In December Anime Matsuri held their 2nd LUV Day which stands for "Let Us Volunteer", at the George R. Brown Convention Center (where AM 2014 is being held). I missed the first one and really regretted it so I made sure to get off early from work (since it was on a Friday) to make sure I made it this time.
Here are the pictures I took
My daughters Hina (Far Left) & Alys (Far Right) with their adorable Friend |
And then with the gift I made them for their Birthdays (which was a couple weeks before) One side says their name and the other K-POP PRINCESS) huhu |
Ash & Megan |
Ke'Avia |
We were given a tour of the space so we could see what we were in store for in March *(^-^)*
This is the space where the Fashion Show is being held. IT'S HUGE!!! I seriously can not wait to see everyone up there |
And here is the dealer's room space. I can't even imagine all the money I'm going to spend in here *^* |
After the tour we went back to the room for more hanging out and white elephant gift exchange. Santa Miku got my gift :3 It was bubbles, glow in the dark stars that go on the ceiling and a slinky. Kinda wish I had kept it though. lol
Jess got a stuffed puppy |
And a group picture of all the Frilles that attended. We even had member from Louisiana and Austin present <3 |
Brookelle - I love her last minute coord. So cute! |
Alys - She's like a dark bride <3 |
At the event they "unveiled" the poster they made for the upcoming AM Fashion Show. It's so beautiful!!! The only things photo shopped onto it were the shooting star, the writing and Baby logo. John really did an amazing job. Midori almost melts into the sky <3
One of my favorite couples - Becky and Aaron |
And Pengu & Me - I LOVE OLD SCHOOL!!! |
Angel Light - I'm a sucker for Pink w/Mint. It's not used very often |
The ever so adorable Carol. She handmade her headdress. It's almost as lovely as her. |
Didn't get a good coord shot so...
Dress/Socks/Headdress: Bodyline
Shoes: Angelic Pretty
Purse: Loris |
After LUV day finished we headed down to Kemah to surprise one of our Mods
(Jessamyn) and her husband (our Manager-San) for their wedding anniversary.
We ended up taking 3 whole hibachi tables. lol
Laurene is such a Fabulous OG |
Amanda - She's gorgeous in wine
It was such a great evening. So much fun and lots of special memories. I cannot get enough of my comm. Everyone is so special and awesome in their own way <3 |